Translation for page 6: -

Super Junior – M continues…their perfection!

Oh ~ Perfection …… how can anyone not let them continue to be perfect! Super Junior-M, after a long absence, is now on Main Characters (主流人物)!
We can say that Super Junior M’s comeback is a better new start~ with ‘new members’ added – Sungmin and Eunhyuk, the band of course will have different big hit! We believe that there’s a lot of people wondering about the feelings and moments between the new combination of Super Junior M. Without taking any more time, let’s bring along ‘Perfection’ and ‘Love is Sweet’ to read what story did Super Junior M shared!

Translation for page 7: -

1. Kyuhyun admitted that Super Junior M is PER-FEC-TION! – The album is named “Perfection” which is a really great album title! As this is a new start, of course we should start with a perfect impression~ The album is perfect, performances are perfect, members showing off their perfect unique outlook too. But there are a little bit of sacrifices behind all these perfections!

2. Kyuhyun and Siwon : “The ‘new members’ can’t be left out!” – “Newly added members”, Sungmin and Eunhyuk, had been praised by “old members” Donghae, Kyuhyun, Siwon, Henry and Zhoumi that with them joining in Super Junior M had helped a lot!

3. “New members”, Sungmin and Eunhyuk, envy Super Junior M! – Sungmin and Eunhyuk, as new members of SJ-M, have a lot of share with everyone about being a part of Super Junior M. Especially on challenging singing Chinese songs, have they met any problems when singing before? While facing the “older members’” praise, how will they reply?

4. Kyuhyun, Henry love Jay Chou the most! – A popular topic was created because of a Chinese song “Love is Sweet” in Super Junior M’s mini album this time, which was written and composed by Jay Chou and Vincent Fang. At the same time, many netizens are curious about how Super Junior M perform the song Jay Chou wrote! Among the members, Kyuhyun and Henry are the two who really like Jay Chou. When asked about the collaboration with Jay Chou everyone, Kyuhyun always excitedly share his thoughts about it.

Translation for the white chat bubble:-

1. Kyuhyun : The album “Perfection” has two different versions, there are Chinese and Korean version respectively. Due to this, our MV shooting duration were doubled than usual. We almost didn’t sleep well for 2-3 days, it was more tiring. But when the MV came out, I think us 8 members are really “too perfect”!

2. Siwon : Sungmin is like the Liu Bei from the story ‘Three Kingdoms’, he is really merciful and kind, is full of knowledges too. I want to continue work hard and become a man like him!

3. Kyuhyun : Eunhyuk is a person with positive and cheerful personality, he really like to make joke and frequently bring the mood up among us. This makes him an essential member in SJ-M!

4. Sungmin : During the old times, when SJ-M came back to Korea after promotions overseas, they will always show off about how nice the fans were and how delicious the food were in other countries, to be honest, I felt a little envious! Now, I am SJ-M’s maknae (the article printed out wrongly, he is supposed to be the eldest ^^), I will learn more from my ‘sunbaes’! This is my first time trying Chinese songs, the pronunciation were really difficult for me, that’s why Zhoumi always help me. Actually, I was worried before the first recording, but the members said my pronunciation were accurate after the song recording has ended, so I gained more confident~ My pronunciation is even better than Henry, hehe! I promised everyone, I will try my best to learn Chinese, I hope I could communicate with fans in Chinese next time, and when that time comes, I guess I will receive even more loves!

5. Kyuhyun : When I first heard about Jay Chou, I didn’t really pay much attention on him~ Until I watched his movie “A secret which can’t be told”, I was deeply attracted into his charm in the movie, and even re-watched it for more than 10 times! After that, our members and I met Jay Chou in real life when he first collaborate with Korean in Korea, I thought he was really friendly and really like him! When I first listened to the song “Love is Sweet”, I feel that the melody is very nice. So I kept practicing the Chinese lyrics, hoping to sing the song better, but the lyrics are too difficult for me. I wasn’t really satisfied after listening to the outcome of “Love is Sweet” song recording, honestly, I was very nervous during the recording. I like this song very much, and listens to it frequently!

6. Henry : Eventhough the song “Off My Mind” in this album is written by me, maybe because of the reason I listen to it too often, the song is somehow annoying. Actually I like the song Jay Chou and teacher Vincent Fang wrote, “Love is Sweet” most~ I listen to Jay Chou’s song since young, that’s why I really like his songs, I have never thought of this day when we could sing Jay Chou’s written song for us.

Translation for page 8: -

5.Siwon and Kyuhyun have some artists that they want to work together with !
Since (SJ-M) already conquered into the Chinese market plus there are numerous singers in the Chinese market, regardless Hong Kong, Taiwan or China, have many outstanding and popular artists. Super Junior- M who had only released (their) third album, has already work together with Jay Chou (Zhou Jie Lun) and Vincent Fang (Fang Wen Shan). So (we) believe if next time they have the opportunity (to work together with other artists), there should have some artists that they wish to work together with~ Want to know who is it? Going to reveal now!

6.Zhoumi’s and Henry’s diligently works!
Super Junior- M is not a “buy soy sauce”* group that just conquer into Chinese music market , (they are) a group that are serious when performing, singing, dancing etc, and also very serious toward composing and writing. There are Zhoumi’s and Henry’s works in this album! Although (the works) is not many, both of them honestly said that they are still very persist on composing and writing
*[A/N : "buy soy sauce" (打酱油) is a internet slang which mean something like passer-by, none of my business. For more info , please go to ]

7.Super Juniior- M old and new members disclose each other’s secrets Time!
Although Super Juniior- M had rearrange, the relationship and atmosphere among Super Juniior- M are still harmonious. The 8 members are so harmonious til they can’t hold to disclose each other’s secrets.~ Plus Eunhyuk who is eloquent, joined the group, the atmosphere had become more lively and he is not person that you can messed with. Although (his) Chinese is not very good, (he) still can tease other members all the time !

1st Secret : Are Eunhyuk’s legs more beautiful than ladies’ ?
Eunhyuk : Compare to average girls, my figure is not bad !
Sungmin : Yes~ His legs look very sexy !
Siwon : Just only his leg’s hairs are many when compare to the normal girls !

2nd Secret : Fan asked Donghae for his signature in the middle of the night?
Eunhyuk: We had our concert in China ~ That time, every members had his own room, one fan sneaked into Donghae’s room in the middle of the night. I also don’t know how she do that ~~ Then she keep on calling Donghae by his name, Donghae finally woke up and sign for her !
Kyuhyun : I was in Donghae’s room too. I thought (the fan) is someone that Donghae knew but Donghae thought that I knew her, so at that time, it happened naturally.
Eunhyuk : That fan, Donghae maybe will revenge on you, go to your house and find you !

3rd Secret : Is Kyuhyun really naughty?
Zhoumi : Actually when I teach other members Chinese, is okay. When I corrected them, they will listen. Only Kyuhyun, he is really naughty. Because Kyuhyun’s pronunciation is too good, sometimes I will correct his pronunciation, (I) said the pronunciation seems wrong but he will tease me and said my pronunciation is not correct, and said ” Hyung, your pronunciation is not good” !

Translation for the white chat bubble:-

7. Kyuhyun : I wish I can work together with A-Mei ( Zhang Hui Mei ), just only me ! Haha~

8. Sungmin : I think there are many outstanding singers in Chinese music area, I hope SJ-M have opportunity to work together with many other artists in the Chinese music area.

9 Siwon : Actually through this album, I really feel that there are many outstanding singers in Chinese music area. If need to say the one in my heart that I really want to work together with and that will be my forever hyungnim in my heart, Andy Lau hyung !

10. Henry : There is one song called “Off My Mind” in our album, I wrote this song together with the college friends of my American friend. I wrote the Chinese lyrics by myself but my Chinese standard is not very good so I put in lots of efforts to write this song for everyone. Hope everyone will like this song.

11. Zhoumi : Actuallly I have a dream which is I hope I have a chance to participate in every SJ-M albums’ works ! I wrote three songs’ lyrics in the 1st album and only wrote two songs’ lyrics in the 2nd album. I try to write different types of lyrics like fast song, slow song and I want to try composing too ~ Hope (I) have the chances in the future to create more good music to let everyone listen.

Translation for Photo Captions:-

1. Why Donghae’s and Henry’s actions are so identical ?

2. This is how Eunhyuk look when he is serious !

3. Is Ryeowook “shouted cut” ?

4. Zhoumi’s killer smile !

5. Stare-ing ~

6. Zhoumi singing affectionately VS Sungmin singing with a smile, you like which one ?

7. Always handsome, Siwon !

8. Look-ing ~

Translation for page 9 :-

Translation for Photo Captions: –
1. Ryeowook support on Sungmin shoulder!

2. Zhoumi had fun playing the game!

3. Is Kyuhyun instructing Zhoumi to go over there?

4. Sungmin confronting Ryeowook!

5. Donghae small action!

6. Are the both of them punish to perform cute dance?

7. Siwon is full of expression!

8. After whispering to Donghae, Eunhyuk continue to listen to Henry whisper!

9. Is Henry drawing hurdling?

10. Looks like Henry have something to tell Eunhyuk~

11. Eunhyuk missing KTR?

12. This is how a gentleman should look like~

13. This is Super Junior M hand gesture ok!

14. Even with a shock expression, Siwon still look so gentleman!

15. Zhoumi & Siwon playing games, the three of them at the side start chatting away!

16. The start of interviewing…..

17. Siwon continue his gentleman!

18. What private conversation did Ryeowook and Sungmin had?

19. Omo~ Sungmin pinching Henry’s small face!

20. Is Ryeowook daydreaming?

21. The members are having interview in the front, whereas EunHae started their private conversation behind!

Scanned + Shared by: Munny @
Translated by: Elly + Flora @ iRyeowookELF + Atnes @ iZhoumiELF

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