Q: Donghae, is acting in this drama difficult? If so, which is the most difficult part?

DH: Yes, although its difficult but I feel happy to try new things. The most difficult part would be, the others usually see me as a guy having soft and cute personality, but in this drama my character is bad guy, its totally different from the real me, do hope everyone support me.

Q: Siwon, what do you think about this famous star character?

SW: Before starting filming, I had went and figure out bout this character on my own, and thinks that receiving a chance to act in this drama is really great. I believe not only in Taiwan, the audiences in Japan and Korea will also be anticipating this drama, I will try my best to bring out this character. There’s a lot of reporters today…In my opinion, this character is just like the drama title, is an extravagant challenge, I will put in great effort in acting…

Q: Is there any difficulties in acting or awkward moments between actors due to language barrier?
(We actually asked like this, but Siwon and Donghae instantly shook their head, and started to talk about the first impression the two female actress gave)

SW: Because the two female main characters are very friendly, there were no language barrier between us. (Points to Ivy Chen) First impression of her is cute, (Points to Bianca Bai) First impression of her is very pretty! (Donghae nodded beside)

Q: What about female characters’ first impression about the boys?

Ivy: We ate together yesterday, is more humorous and friendly than we thought.

Bianca: I have heard that they are very handsome, which is true. Also realised that they are very cute, sometimes like a kid.

Ivy: They learn Chinese really fast, I am learning Hangul too…they even know Taiwanese!!!

Donghae then said I am handsome in Taiwanese.

Ivy Chen held his microphone further and practiced some words with Donghae and Siwon, then Donghae said I am very good in acting in Taiwanese. When we asked Siwon does he know how to act, he also said I am very good in acting.

Q: What’s the happiest and most tiring thing being an actor?

SW: Love and support given by fan is the biggest strength, I received supports and courage because of fans, not tired at all, and will show everyone the acting skill.

DH: Being an actor or performer is just like the drama title, everyday is an extravagant challenge. I think being an actor having a goo healthy body is the most important one, when we have good health we can do what we want to and what we should do… there will be better acting to show you all in the next future…

===================reporters raising hands asking questions===================

Q: Is there any close contacts scene?

Director : After the news of drama to begin filming is announced, there were questions not relating to me asked on Sina Weibo daily., they were all asking about Siwon and Donghae, the frequently asked question is if there will be any kissing scene with female characters. There aren’t any at the moment, but I will think about letting Siwon and Donghae to have a kiss scene!

DH: If there’s a need for the drama, and if everyone wanted to see, please add it… (but he is probably not talking about kiss scene with Siwon…)

Q: Have you ever acted in intimate scene?

Donghae said no, Siwon did.

Q: What’s your impression about Taiwan?

SW: (Chinese) I think… Taiwan girls are very pretty. (Korean) After coming to Taiwan, I realised that everybody are very frienly. When we went back to our dorm we will always say how much we thank all the staffs, or how friendly are Taiwanese. Everyone are very warmhearted, kind and gives very good care to us…

DH (While nodding) Taiwan is really friendly, everyone have good manner and are kind, I don’t even know how to pay back you all…

Kpopn were given the chance to ask them a question, we asked if the boys will participate in the drama OST?

They answered, they will!!

*** Parts not relating to Siwon and Donghae were omitted.

Credits : Kpopn.com

Source : http://kpopn.com/2011/03/31/58441/

Translated by : ALLRISEUNHAE

Shared by: SGSJELFs and SuperShowSG

Reposted by: Super Junior Babble


((I'm proud to be part Taiwanese. :D Donghae, don't worry! You already are paying us back by working hard. ^^ ))