Will “Good Will” Rappaport, producer/songwriter for artists Justin Bieber, Akon, Sean Kingston, etc makes a deal with ELF in his twitter page.

On January 30, 2011, GoodWill tweeted that he will produce a song for Super Junior’s fans, along with Henri “MGI” Lanz, if their twitter followers reach 1000 before the week ends. This is the result of his twitter poll asking which is better: Justin Bieber or Super Junior. GoodWill is overwhelmed by the number of fans who voted for Super Junior, and thus, the deal was created. He is very thankful to the fans who answered his tweets and according to him, he will never forget the deal.

GoodWill and MGI is the duo who is also rumored to produce the single “Gotcha Numba” for Super Junior’s fifth album.

Source: GoodWill and MGI. twitter accounts.
Posted by: Bughaw@sj-world.net