Recently the members of Super Junior M sat down for another interview to let fans know how everything was going with them and their promotions in Hong Kong.  Eunhyuk let his wish to explore more of the city be known.  As he was just recently added to Super Junior M, he has not had the same past experience as the rest of the group. Zhou Mi also expressed his want to go and explore the city, specifically the different types of food.  Although his home is not far from the city, he told reporters that he hasn’t had the chance to sample as much of the cuisine as he would have liked.

When questions turned to their new album, Perfection, Sungmin talked about the difficulty level of having to film two different versions of the song, one Korean and one Chinese, in the same day.

Kyuhyun wanted fans to know that his favorite track was Love is Sweet, the track is known for being composed by superstar Jay Chou. The boys also expressed a want to work with Andy Lau, one of the biggest names in Chinese music and movies.

Then the conversation turned to how they were dealing with the language barrier. Siwon stated,

Actually each of the members is good in saying different things; for example, Donghae is the best in basic conversational Chinese, while Kyuhyun is more familiar with literature and poetic phrases, and I’m good in business-related words.

Ryeowook added that his best Chinese came out while singing.  While Eunhyuk stated that he mixed up the languages frequently and was still learning, bringing laughter from everyone in attendance.

To end the interview, Donghae sent out a request to all their fans.

“When you come into my dreams, please give me a call, thank you everyone, good night.”

He was requesting that when they fall asleep at night ,they should visit his dreams, because it is easier to see him that way than buying a ticket or waiting at a taping.

Source and Photo: Koreaboo


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