This morning, Heechul twitted a picture in his twitter about him when he was still in high school.

I want to share my first observation, i was in a deciphering mode when i saw the picture because i keep on thinking if it was his picture he twitted or was it Onew or Taemin's. Funny me, but after minutes of deliberation it turns out to be that it is his own picture that he twitted. If you make a first glance at the picture you will notice an angle that looks like Onew and Taemin. But if you merely stare at it, it's Heechul! Well anyway the main point is, when he was young Heechul looks like both (Onew and Taemin). Agree?

Another one, seems like Heechul is making a travel through memory lane because just minutes ago, he twitted a picture of a room full of stuff about him with Super Junior. I notice a picture frame of him when he graduated in kinder even a fan art of him in a frame and lots of frame and also some flowers. He twitted it saying "My old home room! What a transformation!"

Cute ha! Well, what ever Heechul is up to this days, it's nice to see him share a lot of things about him with his fans using twitter!

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Pictures cr: @heedictator