SS3 Malaysia was an absolute blast! I'm gonna write an absolutely long fanaccount + add in a setlist (well, more like a combined fan account but what the hey XD).Some stuff is probably gonna be jumbled and mixed up because I was trying to take pictures and vids at the same time, haha. Me and my friends were seated in L5, and the members who came up alot were Siwon, Shindong, Yesung, Wookie, Kyuhyun and Teukie~





1) Sorry Sorry Remix

2) Super Girl (Korean) Remix

3) Don't Don (Remix)

4) No Other

5) Self Introduction - World VTR intros

6) Confession

7) Good Person

8) Rokkugo

9) One Fine Spring Day – Ryeowook’s Solo w/ Sungmin on Guitar

10) New Endless Love – Kyuhyun’s Solo (Chinese)

11) I Wanna Love You – Eunhyuk + Donghae

12) Kiss Goodbye - Leeteuk (Chinese)

13) Looking for the Day - Siwon's Solo

14) Baby - Henry's Solo

15) If You Leave - Sungmin's Solo

15) Down - Eunhyuk's Solo

16) VTR 2

17) Ttok Ttok Ttok - Super Junior T

18) You & I

19) MC-1

20) Song for you

21) Ms. Chic - Zhou Mi solo

22) Shake It Up (Remix)

23) Twins (Remix)

24) Hate U, Love U

25) In My Dream - KRY + Donghae + Sungmin

26) Rinaldo (Kangin Tribute)

26) VTR 4

27) All My Heart

28) It Has To Be You - Yesung's solo

28) Perfection - SJM

29) VTR 5


31) A Man In Love

32) U (Rock remix)

33) Dancing Out

34) Encore - Cooking Cooking

35) A Way for Love

36) Wonder Boy

37) MC2 - Ending





- During Sorry Sorry, Siwon's shoe lace was untied and he kneeled down at one part in the performance to tie it back.


- In No Other, Siwon hugged Hyuk, and Hae got pushed away from them while he was singing his part XD Shindong was happily interacting with the crowd and asking us to yell lots. Yesung was really really smiley and while Hyuk was rapping, Hae was lip-syncing and Siwon was trying to distract him. Ming and Teukie came out from the roof with baskets of confetti and Teukie was making swimming-like actions as he was coming down, puffing out his cheeks and flapping his arms.


- During the World Intro characters VTR, Kyu was shaking his head along to the music while Siwon flapped his red...blanket? (whatever you call it, lol) in front of Kyu. Hyuk was revving up the crowd by doing his "SAY YEAAAAAAAH! SAY YEAAAA~H SAY YEAAAAAAAH~ *whisper* Say cheeeeeeh~" So oily omg XD. Hae's Buckingham soldier fell off when he came out. All he said when he came out was "WAHHHH!" three times lol. I didn't get what Shindong was saying in Chinese at all, lol. And Teukie was laughing and going "APA KHABAR MALAYSIA!" and was taking bottles of water and towels out of his jacket and giving them to fans in the rock pitt. Siwon was walking around with him too. Hae was semi- introducing the next song, Confession all the while going "CONFESSION, CONFESSION CONFEEEEEEEEEEEESSION".


- For Good Person, the boys were poking mikes into Yesung's face while he was singing.


- At the beginning of Rokkugo, Hae was on the ground and getting 'stomped' on by the rest of the boys lol. Hae got mikes from Shindong and Ming shoved into his face while singing. Ming and Teukie lay on the floor and soon got piled on by the other boys XD Shindong was the second last one to pile on, and Heenim was right on top.


- Kyuhyun's solo was absolutely fantastic, but it kept getting interrupted by whistles that security was blowing because they didn't want fans who were sitting higher up to jam up the stairways. =.= My fancam got broken up into like, 3 parts for this because I kept thinking they were catching people for filming and taking pictures before I finally gave up lol.



In I Wanna Love You, Eunhyuk took off his jacket and had a black wifebeater underneath. Although he couldn't take his shirt off, he still looked absolutely gorgeous <3


- Teukie's solo was beautiful *_* His intonation is so good and his voice is so suited for these songs. All the ELF around were singing along with him :3


- Siwon's solo was very touching. I like how he reaches out to people through his singing and the clip feature of impoverished children in other countries. Siwon's heart is really always reaching out to people in this way.


- Was trying to do some fanchants for Henry early during his Baby solo but it failed earlier on; it got better after that though :DD Bb is absolutely gorgeous and watching him play the piano is an absolute treat! Definitely love his rendition a lot better than Justin Bieber's hehe.


- Ming's dance was awesome even without his stripping. Damn, boy is gooooooooodddddddddd!


- Watching Hyuk dance Down was so amazing. I love his hoodie jacket so much!!! Everyone sang along with him and started chanting "Lee Hyukjae!" during his dance break for it <3


- OMG ZHOU MIMI'S SOLO. WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HIS MS. CHIC PERFORMANCE. SO. FREAKING. FANTASTIC. I was really looking forward to this performance and it was ohsoawesome <3


- Rinaldo was so touching. I can't wait to see Kangin rejoin the boys again when he returns.


- For All My Heart, Hae took an angel hairband from one of the girls and was wearing it. Ohsocute, fishie! Siwon shook a few hands in the VIP/media section. The boys congregated in the middle of the stage and were fooling around XD Siwon took off his jacket and Hae lay on the floor. Siwon pretended to kick him hahahaha XD


- Yesung was smiling so much during his solo and the whole stadium was singing the song with him the whole way. I'm really glad to see him so smiley this time because I remember how pale he looked last year when he was sick. His voice is just out of this world as always!


- When Perfection started playing, everyone practically leaped out of their seats XD My friend and I were trying to follow the Taiwan fanchants, but it seems that not a lot of people were aware of it, so we yelled really loudly - even up to the point that I can hear our voices in   this video

and from the looks of the vidcam we were sitting like, 2 areas away to the right LMAO! It'll be even louder when I post up the fancam of it tomorrow hahahhah XD


- The fanchants for BONAMANA was daebak <3 I could hear me and another person sitting in the row above me following the Korean fanchant lol.

- The boys were bouncing around so much during Dancing Out. I think they really enjoyed themselves for this con! So hyperactive, hehehe


- In Cooking Cooking, the boys switched costumes Hyuk = mushroom; Hae = beansprouts, Shindong = broccoli, Yesung = chinese cabbage, Leeteuk = onion. At the beginning, Ming and Ryeowook were bouncing their pumpkin and tomato bodies off each other while singing, it was so cute to see! Wookie came over to our side to sing and you can see that his tomato is taped together at the back hahahah XD The vegetables are really falling apart now! He was dancing along and it was the cutest thing ever to see. I want a baby brother like Wookie to spoil lolol XD At the other end of the hall, Eunhyuk was rolling on the floor but couldn't get up after that and Kyu tried to help pull him up at first, but after a few tries, Kyu got a bit fed up, threw Hyuk's hand away and began kicking him! Omo, this evil magnae hahahahah XD This has got to be one of my fave performances ever because of all the crack that goes on!


- At the ending, Heenim wasn't around, so everyone starting calling out his name, and he came back out with his trademark mask on. He said "Thank you, I love you so much!" and then because he was standing between Siwon and Ming, it became "This is horse!" and "This is pumpkin!". Jungmo came out at the end too :D Everyone was cheering for him (although I have to confess I'm not sure of everything he was saying). Teukie then called Zhou Mi and Henry out, and Zhou Mi was all smiles, while Henry was playing with a windmill XD Zhou Mi spoke in English: "Are you happy?" "YEAH!" "I'm happy too!" and then he thanked people in Mandarin.


Henry thanked everyone in English and was saying that it was great to be in Malaysia. He also mentioned at one point that he actually read his mentions on twitter, and that a good 70% of those tweets are from Malaysia, so he's really happy about that! Yesung was pinching Henry's cheek then. And then Hae went and said in English "I will see you on twitter at night!" XD


While everyone was leaving the stage, Hae, Hyuk, Yesung and Henry were doing something, and Hyuk was asking Yesung in English "Are you ready?!" while Hae was sing-songing "Thank you" in Mandarin, before all four boys stood together, stuck out their thumbs and then swept their arms among the lower half of the stadium first, before moving onto the upper half. (At one point, Yesung turned around to blow into Hae's face lol). Hae was still singing something as he left the stage, while Yesung was being really smiley and waving