thanks to GYUHYUN.NET!  Translation by @_vera

110211 KRY 1st Concert in Korea


K: First, let us greet everyone! 1, 2, 3.
All: Hello everyone, we are Super Juni~or! (We are ELF~)
R: Hello everyone, I am Super Junior’s maknae Ryeowook! Ain’t I the eternal maknae? (Yes)
We had this concert because everyone said that they wanted to see K.R.Y’s concert.
I think everyone waited for a very long time right? (Yes)
That is very good, we are really thankful too! Thank you everyone!
K: Hello everyone, I am Super Junior’s Kyuhyun! First, we were unsure if we could hold our K.R.Y’s concert in Korea… But we never thought that we would actually hold it… We also thought that the concert this time was very small scaled… Because there are so many fans who wants to watch it, how is it possible to hold it here? But although we say it like that, but I still see so many empty seats today… it looks like I am not right… isn’t it true? But no matter what, this is not bad… This atmosphere will last till the ending! Please understand us, and we hope everyone will be able to watch our concert happily. Thank you, everyone!
Y: Hello everyone! I am Yesung. I’m very happy to be able to meet everyone. Finally, we are meeting everyone here. Actually, we first held a concert in Japan. But because of everyone’s love for us, we wanted to hold another concert in Korea, thanks to everyone. But actually, no matter what, we are about to begin now!
What song are we going to sing, Ryeowook?
R: Sing?
K: The first song will be a song from our third album, a song Yesung likes very much… (KyuSung xD)


K: “Secret Garden”‘s OST
Then now, I want to become this person…

When I am preparing for this solo stage… I am not that type of men, because I didn’t only prepare for this performance…
The song that I am going to sing below… is something that I sang from Japan K.R.Y’s concert to Taiwan’s K.R.Y’s concert… I used Japanese and Chinese to sing this song before. If I don’t use Korean to sing it for at leasst once, it will feel wrong… right? But the two songs that I sang is quite tiring… if I don’t sing it well… the whole world might be saying it on twitter…

Y: Thank you. Keke. Actually… Today is the first time I am singing this song… It is the television drama, “Paradise Ranch”‘s OST Not everyone might know this song… (We know~)
Everyone… What I want to say just now… is actually when we started out as K.R.Y, we almost could not work together properly… Hence, being able to hold a concert like what we are doing now, makes me feel really happy, I almost want to cry…
Because of everyone’s love, I only wish to tell everyone this… This is something that might be familiar to everyone, a song that everyone knows – .

K: This is sweeter than what you have imagined, right? Keke, I feel like sleeping. Let us continue to sing the ballads like that…
R: Kyuhyun, can I say something? Actually… I don’t have any solo-talk time… that is why I am feeling a little upset in my heart…
K: Is it because of me, Ryeowook?
R: Wait a minute~ That… How is the song? (Very good~)
Y: Really? Really?
R: I… actually wanted to sing in Korea’s K.R.Y concert…
K: So what if you sing ?
R: I’m just happy that everyone is satisfied with it… The next song… is a song that we bought over from Taiwan. We think that this song is very good, that is why three of us wants to sing it for once.
K: This is a song that we sang in Taiwan K.R.Y’s concert… Although it is a very good song, but actually, this is a song which that person sitting in the last row of the audience, likes a lot. (Refering to Siwon)
R: That is why we translated the lyrics and sang it…
Y: This song… is actually a Taiwan song. Although SJ-M also has Chinese songs, but I really like this song. That is why we have prepared to sing this once. Actually, my body condition isn’t very good today… That is why I sound a little weird when I am speaking today. Everyone… Ah~ I don’t feel good today… (my OT3 YeWonKyu *w*)
R: What are you saying?
K: We should just start to sing…
Y: I can’t hear you… What did you say just now? Really…
R: For an easy introduction, let us start with Kyuhyun! Please applaud him.

Sungmin and Donghae on the stage

K: Now, let us greet everyone! 1, 2, 3!
A: Hello everyone, we are Super Juni~or! (We are ELF)
S: Why are we only greeting everyone near the end?
R: Actually we are supposed to come out together when three of us (K.R.Y) first greeted everyone…
K: Sungmin, please greet everyone…
S: Hello everyone, I am Sungmin!
Y: What did you say? (After hearing S complete his sentence) Ah~ Yes. (Hugging Donghae) My cutie (jjongkkeumani)~
K: Ah yes. Yesung and Donghae~
D: I am Yesung’s cutie, Donghae. Hello everyone!
I think K.R.Y is dangerous…
Y: Why?
D: There are a lot of fans… Yesterday, I met ELF in Thailand before I came back… But…
Y: You did a solo because K.R.Y wasn’t there?
D: What?
Y: You did a solo because K.R.Y wasn’t there?
S: You could only do a solo because I wasn’t there!
D: I think that Thailand fans are very dangerous… Now, it looks like Korean fans are also dangerous…
R: What?
Y: Aish (Kidding) Is Taiwan’s 金城武[Takeshi Kaneshiro] here? (lmao Yesung you call Siwon Takeshi Kaneshiro?)
R: Siwon, please come up to the stage~
D: Siwon! Siwon, just come out from there!
R: Faster, faster!
Y: Just like me, Siwon… and I are the ones in charge of Super Junior images. We are the miracle-pair! (Yes you two are ;__;)
Y: Super Junior K.R.Y has sang the few title songs which represents SJ. How does everyone feel? (Good!) Did we sing well? (Yes!) Really? (Yes!) Thank you.
Now, it is really the last song already… Although it is very pitiful, but because we are able to see everyone’s eyes now, we will be singing for you!
R: Everyone, please join us!

Posted by: uksujusid (