It’s just a rough translation by me, might not be too accurate >.<

<To express my gratitude>
Last year, at end of year, I expressed my gratitude to all those who have donated to the unfortunate ones… I can’t go down to help them personally, but only materialistically… I heard that fans will do charity work every month, I’m really very thankful for that. I’m happy that together with me, we lend our helping hands to those in need.
Thank you all~^^

From now onwards, let’s all do warm deeds like this. It will be wonderful if our help become the strength to those in need~^^
(I’m) always thankful, forever loving you~
Thanks to all of you, you have became the strengths that supports me during my times of need, always protecting me~ (he meant like guardian angel ^^)

Chu~ I shall continue to count on everyone then~~~~~~!!

TRANS TO CHINESE BY:卷卷的圭贤&小盒 l ENG BY:@paperheartsMIN
Posted by: Melody (