JYJ's Junsu and Super Junior's Eunhyuk interact via Twitter! Despite the negative press between JYJ and the organizers of Jeju Island's Nomination showcase and broadcast, positive vibes greeted followers of both Eunhyuk and Junsu after they replied to each other's tweets. 

Earlier today, Eunhyuk was seen to have reached out to former SM Entertainment talent Kim Junsu by saying, "Hey, when do we meet again? You bought me a meal last time so let’s meet soon and next time you buy it again!!" Junsu replied to the tweet by saying, "You always make me buy the meal~ From now on, you buy the meal when we meet!!"

In the end, Eunhyuk jokingly set another tweet to Junsu: "What are those speaking habits towards your hyung-nim~ You should be thinking about what an honor it is that this hyung-nim lets you eat with him!"

Fans who saw the interaction online were immediately delighted and were revealed to be touched by such public gestures. Prior to their debut in TVXQ and Super Junior, both Junsu and Eunhyuk already had a strong friendship dating back to elementary school. However, their interactions were put on a low after Kim Junsu joined fellow members Jaejoong and Yoochun in their legal battle against SM Entertainment. 

What are your thoughts on Junsu and Eunhyuk's online interaction via Twitter? 

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Source: @0101xiahtic,@AllRiseSilver and JYJ3

Cr: Koreaboo
Shared by: Super Junior Babble