Price list:

Exclusive VIP: 3,000,000 IDR

VIP: 2,500,000 IDR

Festival 1: 2,000,000 IDR

Festival 2: 1,500,000 IDR

Tribun 1: 2,000,000 IDR

Tribun 2: 550,000 IDR


Please note that this is a joint coordination between the SJ fan bases in Indonesia. If you have pre-ordered in one fan base, do not pre-order in another fan base.



1. Send an email to with the following information:

- Name

- Twitter (if any)

- Address

- Phone number

- Bank account

- Type and number of tickets to order

2. Wait for our confirmation email.

3. Once you are confirmed, please make your payment to the designated bank account (will be told in the email) no later than Wednesday, April 13, 6 PM.

4. Send a copy of your receipt to Use the same email address you use to make your first order. Do not change your email. You can scan or take a picture of your receipt, as long as your name and the amount of money you transfer are clear.

5. Wait patiently. We will get back to you once your order is confirmed, along with the details on how to obtain your tickets.



1. You cannot change your order once you make it.

2. All questions will be answered via Twitter. Do not send queries to our email.

3. Available bank accounts: BCA, Mandiri, BNI.

4. This ticket pre-order is for non-members of WProduction only. Members of WProduction should purchase their tickets straight from the promoter.


cr: TWELFs @ twitter

shared by: Super Junior Babble