- Mainland Chinese star Han Geng who has separated from Korean boy band Super Junior and started a solo career accepted i-CABLE entertainment channel’s Big Trend interview to talk about his future plans.
- Han Geng said, “My new album will show a different Han Geng. I hope to hold a concert in mainland China and Hong Kong. He also wants to release albums for fans from different countries (T/N: I think he means to sing in their local languages), but it is too difficult to learn Cantonese!
- For film, he hopes to have an opportunity to work with Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung.” When talking about criteria for choosing a girlfriend, he blushed and said, “I like girl who is quiet, kind-hearted and does not bicker because I don’t like to talk that much either. If the other talks too much, I will not know how to respond. However I have not met the right person at the moment.”

translated by: hannie@geng-bao.net
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