Which song puts listeners in a good mood, or gives them a high? According to a three week long poll held jointly by Sina News and POP Radio, which attracted nearly ten thousand participants, this song is Hangeng's "My Logo."

Hangeng, who is a former member of Super Junior (and Super Junior M), released his solo album last year. Titled "Evening Star," it swept virtually all the newcomer music awards. This time fans lent their efforts in voting for Hangeng's song -- it eventually won with 5,050 votes compared to Super Junior M's "Too Perfect" with 884 votes. To this, Hangeng's fans have left messages such as, "Alright!"

This poll was held in conjunction with a street dance competition organized by Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation and Cathay Bank. Consequently, the poll, which was intended to drum up support for the event, was opened to netizens from April 4th to May 9th. In order to ensure fairness each person was allowed only one vote.

Hangeng consistently stayed within the top three places throughout the run of the poll. However, this incited fans on both sides to come to a war of words, with Super Junior-M fans flinging names such as "traitor" and "deserter," and Hangeng's fans retaliating with comments such as "SM is a bunch of blood-suckers," "They neglect their artistes," and "So lame that they're coming to Taiwan to make money now." In the end, Hangeng's fans rallied together and voted, helping "My Logo" on to the number one spot, with approximately six times the number of votes for "Too Perfect".

Super Junior-M didn't fare too badly despite the fan war -- they came in in fourth place with a respectable 884 votes, beating out Taiwanese artistes like Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai.

Source: Sina

Cr: koreaboo

Shared by: Super Junior Babble


You guys please stop bashing either Hangeng or Super Junior M. Don't you see that it's not going to solve anything and that you're hurting your own favorite singer(s)? Hangeng and Super Junior M members, even if they are not together anymore, are still friends. They are still like brothers and if you bash each other, won't it hurt them to know you're bashing the other? It's sad to see this so please stop. Singers really don't like seeing their fans get into fights and make these harsh comments about each other. Thank you. -Ruth (superjuniorbabble.yolasite.com)