- In December of 2009, Hangeng had filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment due to their unfair treatment, activities, and promotional scheduling that caused him health issues and the length of his contract. Now it seems like that long roa...d has come to an end.
- The long and tedious law suit between Hangeng and SM Entertainment has come to a final verdict. Seoul Central District Court 30th Division, led by Head Judge Noh Mankyung, has made the ruling on December 21st on a case filed by Hangeng against SM Entertainment. The judge has ruled in favor of the plaintiff over the validity of the exclusive contract.
- According to the lawsuit, Hangeng did not receive a day of rest since his debut with Super Junior for almost 2 years due to continuous activities and overseas promotions. He also went into detail about his rushed schedules, how he was never able to have a day off even during the times his health was in critical condition.
- SM Entertainment had Hangeng sign the contract in 2003, when Hangen was 18 and claims he had no clue of how the Korean music industry ran. He continued on to state that the contract was stretched out for much longer than it should have and 13 years was too much. Originally the contract stated 10 years, but after Super Junior’s first album, it was extended to 13 years.
- Profit distribution was also another issue between Hangeng and SM Entertainment. During the contract period, albums and songs belonged to SM. Despite the fact Hangeng wrote, composed and arranged music for Super Junior, they could be used SM Entertainment without his permission. He also had to sell at least 50,000 albums to receive a 2% profit. Digital sales had to be equal to the net profit for him to receive at least 10%.
- Despite the trouble and tension between the two, SM Entertainment's representative at one point have stated that they’re willing to welcome Hangeng back into their company with open arms and believe that they’re the sole reason as to why Hangeng is as popular as he is today.
- When Hangeng filed a lawsuit in December against SM to confirm the mistreatment and invalidity of the contract, SM originally wished to resolve the issue in another manner. They released a statement saying, "we wish to solve this privately for Super Junior." Though, by the time that came around, Hangeng had already cut all connections with the entertainment company.

- What are your thoughts on this ruling? Do you think it's fair?

Source: Sujuism, Star Today and Newsis
Cr : Mimi@koreaboo.com
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