Whether it's a sign of connection between fans and idols or just a funny joke, nicknames have long existed in the Kpop world. Idol nicknames are becoming more and more prominent as fans begin to refer to idols with their nickname rather than their real names. Sports Seoul recently put together a list of idol nicknames that fans have come up with.

Simple but Hilarious

SHINee's resident diva Key has been donned the nickname of "Keymera," a play on the word "camera." Fans may be shocked to learn that "Keymera" was originally the nickname of Kim Honghee, a Korean-Spanish singer who pioneered the genre of combining pop and opera, but it seems like Key now has ownership over the nickname. Key was given this nickname because of his ability to find the camera during filming, no matter where the camera is. Even when filming in the outdoors, Key never fails to look at the right camera, and therefore was awarded the nickname of "Keymera."

BEAST's fierce rapper, Yong Junhyung, gained the nickname of "Fatty Tongue" due to his sometimes incorrect pronunciation. Fans revealed the reasoning behind the nickname as "When he says his own name, he pronounces it incorrectly as 'Yong Ju Myeom' rather than 'Yong Junhyung'," therefore earning Junhyung this strange nickname.

First generation idol Junjin of the legendary group Shinhwa gained many nicknames due to his real name, Park Choongjae. Both fans and childhood friends of Junjin gave him nicknames. The three nicknames Junjin has are "Sal Choongjae (insecticide)" "Gu Choongjae (wormicide)" and "Bo Choongjae (vitamin supplement)," which are puns on his real name.

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Derived from abilities and features

Super Junior's youngest members, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Kibum, were given the collective nickname of "Maknaes who aren't Maknaes." Also, the most eye-catching nickname is "Maknae On Top," a parody of BoA's song "Girls On Top." This is because despite the common practice of male groups having a hierarchy ranking based on age, the youngest members of Super Junior still freely voice their opinions.

JYJ's Junsu earned the nickname of "Dolphin" after his voice was revealed to have an uncanny similarity to that of a dolphin call. The nickname was based on the fact that both Junsu's vocal abilities and the call of dolphins are produced at a frequency too high for the human ear to hear. This is a reference to the fact that Junsu can easily reach very high notes due to his wide vocal range. Recently, Junsu was ranked the most vocally talented idol group member and fans responded with an unsurprised "Of course our Junsu."

Actor Uhm Taewoong holds the nickname of "Uhm Force," which was derived from the movie "Star Wars." Before making his variety debut on KBS's "1 Night 2 Days," Uhm Taewoong was an established actor who acted in suspenseful dramas such as "Resurrection" and "The Devil." His charisma and feel led fans to reason, "Uhm Taewoong's acting oozes 'Force'."

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Based on Appearance - "You're really cheap"

BEAST's power vocalist, Yang Yoseob, projects a cute image that is beloved by fans and earned himself the nickname of "Thomas" because his cute persona and facial appearance resembles the protagonist of the children's show, "Thomas the Tank Engine." Fans say, "When Yoseob smiles, his cheeks become similar to Thomas."

JYJ's Park Yoochun earned himself the unpleasant but hilarious nickname of "Seaweed Monster" after his hairstyle in JYJ's "Ayy Girl" MV became a hot topic. Yoochun's long and wavy hair caused fans to leave comments such as "It looks like seaweed." When Yoochun cut his long hair and returned to having a clean-cut short hairstyle, the response was so immense that "Park Yoochun Haircut" became a most searched phrase on various online portals.

Taecyeon of 2PM was given the nickname of "Rich Teeth" for his large and straight teeth despite his small face. When he laughs out loud, his perfect teeth become the center of attention. Fans said, "Taecyeon doesn't have more teeth than the average person" and bestowed the nickname of "Rich Teeth" upon him.

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Are there other hilarious nicknames that Sports Seoul missed? Which nicknames are your favorite?

Source: Sports Seoul

Cr: Koreaboo

Shared by: Super Junior Babble