Donghae Makes Use of Spare Time During Schedules to Often Practice Chinese.
Mickey Huang (right) invited SJ-M to the radio station, presenting them with things required to be disguised as a Taiwanese person, left is Siwon and in the centre is Eunhyuk.

Donghae Makes Use of Spare Time During Schedules to Often Practice Chinese.

Super Junior-M (SJ-M) will appear on Mickey Huang’s UFO Radio programme as special guests for the Chinese-Korean education section. The members pre-recorded the programme on 1 April, Donghae who is about to film an idol drama made the most of his time to learn Chinese, while Mickey Huang was interviewing other people, he opened the Chinese-Korean electronic dictionary he carries around, working hard with his head down to practice Chinese.

Yesterday Mickey Huang also presented the members with EasyCards, tickets to the International Flora Expo and shopping bags, which would allow SJ-M to comfortably tour Taipei. SJ-M is diligently learning Chinese, recently they have made great improvements, Ryeowook says that when he went to buy bubble tea, there weren’t small cups that could be bought, so he changed and ordered a medium cup, also requesting “a little more pearls”.

Source: China Times
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((How cute. This must be why his Chinese is almost as good as mine....and I grew up speaking Chinese & English. >< -Ruth @ Super Junior Babble ))