Seoul, Korea – Kang-In expressed his deeply touched sentiments after his military tattoo.

On May 27, Kang-In participated in the “The Military Tattoo with the Citizens’ held in the square in Seoul City Hall. It was his first official appearance on stage in a long time, and he passionately sang songs like “Sorry, Sorry.” The signing event scheduled was cancelled due to unavoidable circumstance though.

Right After the event, Kang-In tweeted, “Kim Young Woon [his original name] is a really happy guy. Today’s stage was literally happiness. My grandmother, father, aunt, cousin and ELFs all came to see me. I really appreciate it. I don’t have any regrets. It was hard to withhold my tears.”

He added, “Although I don’t know when, I’m looking forward to the day I will stand before you like a man. Again, really thank you for today. I really wanted to hug everyone and take pictures with and sign all of you, but I am really sorry.”
However, he remarked that there would be no more online activities, saying, “I think this would be the last time I write something on Twitter.”

On the other hand, Kang-In enlisted to the army last July after his scandalous involvements in the assaults and drunk driving in 2009, regretting that he would have some time for self-reflection through the military service. Kang-In is currently a private first class, facing an upcoming promotion to a corporal. He will graduate in April 2012.

By Jun Won (
Source: Newsen (Original article in Korean)
Photo by Lee Han Hyung
Translated by Yesul Kwak /
Shared by: yesulkwak
Reshared by: Super Junior Babble