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Lee DaHae – Kim Heechl ‘Friendship’ attracts attention… Relationship where swear words are shared?

Posted by Ruth Chu on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 Under: Heechul Biased

The different friendship of actress Lee DaHae and Super Junior’s Kim Heechul has been gaining attention.

On MBC ‘Section TV’ that aired on the 8th, Lee Dahae video called Kim Heechul, and showed her friendship with him.

Kim Heechul said “We met at Lee Hongi’s birthday party” and that “She had some indecent feelings for me” during the call, and once again proved the friendship between the two.

To continue Kim Heechul said that “Lee Dahae has a really easy-going personality” and Lee Dahae replied “Kim Heechul is too feminine”, showing their ambiguous relationship.

When the reporter asked to see what their normal conversation would be like, Heechul replied that “There will be swearing”, making everybody laugh.

Source: kwnews
Translated by Jee (


Check out the video of their phone call below!


In : Heechul Biased