Super Junior's Leeteuk has made an appearance on a news broadcast. On the 25th (of May), 《News Line》, which is aired on KBS 1TV, has once again analyzed the Hallyu wave in Europe. On that day, Leeteuk became a representative of the Korean groups and delivered his viewpoints (on the matter) as a singer. On the day, when faced with the question about whether idol groups are artificial, Leeteuk answered that: "The kind of talks that idol groups are just like planned commodities are facts that cannot be denied. (But) through the experiences, the youngsters would gradually improve themselves little by little as they age further, hopefully everyone would give us their support.", and that "Just like I have learned to grow up for 7 years, although I don't have much experience, but at least I've learned about what I should do (in certain conditions)." Aside from that, he also pointed out that the most important trait that the new-generation idols should have is passion, "I believe that by waiting and working hard, it has allowed me to become successful. So I hope that they would be passionate (about what they do), and able to withstand the need to wait." Leeteuk expressed on Twitter, saying that: "The first time an idol appeared on a live news broadcast! I was really nervous and trembling (a lot), but it was a really joyful time. I want to convey my word of thanks to a lot of people once again. (I) will become a person who is even more humble and hardworking."

Source: Korea Star Daily
Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Cr: dkpopnews
Shared by: Super Junior Babble