12th February 2011, 01:01PM via IPhone:
Yesterday we went surfing [Image: coolorg.gif]
Geng-chan’s first time playing, his sense is good[Image: z2org.gif]
Today work alittle, go to eat later, did not eat Chinese food for quite a while
[Image: skorg.gif]

[Image: weibo1.jpg]

(T/N: So they are in Hawaii now?)

He also posted basically the same message in Japanese on his twitter, but it was just a little different, and someone translated it, too, so I’ll post it here as well :)

12th February, 2011, 3:00PM via Twitbird:

“Geng-chan tried Surfing for the first time… he has a good sense of surfing. Better than someone-we-know (Haha). From now, we will do some work, then go out for something to eat. What should we have… 

Source: Nakayama Kunio’s Twitter
Translated by mamono281 & sltan @ geng-bao.net
Posted by: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)