1. Donghae was in a good mood. When other members finished their talk, he always added "寶貝(baby) "" thanks", words like that^^

2. As Donghae have been in China for several years and he is better in Chinese now, he always translated for members (wow^^translator!!!)


3. At the end of interview, Donghae took off his coat, with black vest. And his body was really sexy^^ 


4. During individual intro, Donghae had problem saying 親愛的寶貝,everyone laughed and he became so shy that it took long time for him to finish


5. He was so polite. At the end of every session, he would bow and thank everyone. When the interview ended,he said bye and c u next time.


6.During photo session, the photographer stopped DH when he was about to change pose. He laughed loudly (like hahahaha^^) and clapped hands


7. Donghae talked and laughed loudly when he took break in another room (showing that he was happy)


8. HIGHLIGHT: Donghae was asked the question about the star and 8888th day. Other members laughed and he was shy


9. Donghae likes the SOHU's fox cartoon. So he carried the only fox in the room. He played with the the doll all the time and tried to make the legs of the fox like an 'M' (like a little boy^^)


10.HIGHLIGHT: We put the ONLYHAE towel and gift bag right in front of them during interview. The gift bag caught Donghae's attention.He looked at the bag very carefully cuz he recognized that the log of Onlyhae was written by him. Other members also looked at the bag. One member recognized and read the Chinese characters 海世代(Onlyhae)

cr: OnlyHae [ onlyhaecn@twitter ]