Super Junior’s global unit Super Junior M’s Henry debuted on his first Korean variety show on the 22nd with SBS “Strong Heart.” With his broken Korean, he revealed his very own unusual Korean lessons taught by none other than his fellow members.

He introduced himself by saying “My mother is a Taiwanese person, my father from Hong Kong. It’s only been 3 years since I’ve come to Korea.” Continuing on, he stated, “It was very hard to understand people speak English with Korean accents. Because I didn’t want to seem like a rude person because of my broken Korean, I asked the Super Junior members to teach me Korean.”

Being the humorous celebrities that they are known to be, Henry
disclosed the type of Korean phrases he was taught. Some of these phrases were “*My favorite type of alcohol is your lips,” and if asked “Where are you?” he would answer, “I am at exit number two in your heart.”

Netizens have been showing a hot response for the Super Junior M member.

*Alcohol in Korean is “sool.” However, in Korean, lips is also “eehp-sool.” Because of the ending, it makes the phrase quite humorous to those in Korea.

Source: Naver News, koreaboo

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