hi im an ELF from Japan

I would like to share my experience with international elfs…
(please warn me if this is inappropriate)

i live in tokyo, and despite the fact that the epicenter of the earthquake was in the northern part of japan which is pretty far from tokyo, the quake was violent here as well
the bookshelves collapsed and books fell flying to the floor in the library
many people couldnt get back home as all means of transportation froze
i had to stay at school for the night

in the area which was hardest hit, the tsunami swallowed and washed away small villages and many lost their lives because of it.
this area has just been hit by a large earthquake in 2008..

The damage is devastating everywhere, but especially in the northern part of japan

an 15 year old Japanese ELF lost her life in this tragedy.
She was a Donghae biased ELF.
I hope Donghae’s father will give her a warm, big hug in heaven…
and may her soul rest in peace

this is the biggest natural disaster i have ever experienced in my life
It happened all too suddenly
no one was prepared… it was too unexpected
the quake was…simply frightening
the ground was unstable and shaky, making it difficult for me to stand still

when i first found out that #prayforjapan was trending on twitter, it made me cry..
i felt the warmth of people’s heart

though i cant express my gratitude in words, i would like to say “thank you” to everyone around the world who was prayed for/feared for japan

we will stay strong and do our best to keep our heads up


jpn_elf (harukaito)

… Please donate.. #prayforjapan – SUPPORT THE LAND OF THE RISING SUN ~!

Posted by: sup3rjunior.com