TRANSLATOR’S DISCLAIMER: The following content might contain mistakes as it is translated from the Chinese translation. This is NOT the full show. I only translated the interesting parts.

Guests: Dalmatian – Jisu (JS), Daniel (D); Fcuz – Jinon (JN), LeeU (L)

KHC: Eeteuk and I had a car accident in Singapore last week. Although it’s not a big accident, I felt a little uncomfortable. Cody noona asked if we’re okay. I said I’m okay. After that, Donghae came and asked if I’m okay. I said, I’m okay. Shindong came to ask too and I said, I’m okay! Many friends also called to ask if I’m okay. In the end, even our boss called to ask if I’m okay. So I just said I’m perfectly fine. Haha. When everyone starts asking, something small will become big. When I was young, my friend asked if I’m angry after we quarreled. I said I’m not. But he asked again after a while and I really got angry. Haha.

Listener: I have a friend who always follow me when I go and buy things. She always make me buy things for her and never pays for it. She even said that I should save some money, otherwise I won’t be able to get married.
KHC: Your friend is taking advantage of you. Before debut, I stayed with Jay and Yunho. Yunho always save up the change from paying the mineral water in our dorm. In the end, he saved a huge bag and wanted to deposit it in the bank. It’s so heavy that he’s unable to lift it. We asked if he needed help but he said no.. Haha. I recall a lot of past memories today.

KHC: Height is a sensitive issue for idol groups. How tall are you all? I shall talk about mine first. When I first debuted, my information says 179cm. When I measured my height during a show, it’s 177cm. When I went to measure again some time back, it became 173cm.
D: Ah? Such a big difference? It changed from 179cm to 173cm?
KHC: I measured it again recently and it returned to 177cm. Previously, I compared height with Kim Sero and I am taller than him by a little. He’s 176cm, so I should be around 177cm.

KHC: Regarding the previous topic, many listeners sent in SMS.
Listener: Talking about shoelifts, I have to mention Eeteuk.
KHC: Yes.. Eeteuk is probably the first artiste who admitted to wearing shoelifts.

Listener: There’s height increasing socks now, so you don’t have to worry even if you have to remove your shoes in shows.
Listener: Shoelifts are nothing, people even admit to plastic surgery now!
KHC: Yah.. Just admit it like EeTeuk.

Listener: I don’t like idol groups because of their height. So they should just admit it if they wear shoelifts.
KHC: This is very comforting.

Listener: I went to make earholes without telling my mother. She refused to look at me for a week.
KHC: Many mothers don’t like their daughters to have earholes. I’m not interested in this. When I was young, the kind of earrings which are clipped to the ear loops were trendy. I wore it for some time and it caused my ear loops to be longer. Now, my left ear loop is slightly longer than my right ear loop.

Source: Kim Heechul’s baidu bar
Korean-Chinese Trans: 影素, 梦希
Chinese-English Trans: An Ting @

Posted by: uksujusid (