On April 13th, ZE:A’s Kwanghee guested on MBC’s “Radio Star” and was tested on his expert knowledge of plastic surgery.

Kwanghee was asked by the MCs and fellow guests if he could recognize those who underwent surgery. Kwanghee readily answered,  ”It’s obvious upon first glance!”

He asserted that Super Junior’s Kim Heechul was an all-natural beauty. “You usually can’t tell when shots are used on the nose so I’m not sure about that. As for Kim Heechul, he has no silicone or any incisions, since his nose is very clean. He also hasn’t had any work done on his teeth.”

Moving on to Kim Jong Min and Yoon Jong Shin, Kwanghee made the studio burst out with laughter by emphasizing their dire need for plastic surgery. Musing over Kim Jong Min, he commented, “He’d be really handsome if he got his nose done.”  The idol then turned to Yoon Jong Shin, and he criticized the smallness of the middle of his forehead by stating, “I think you need to get the inner corners of your eyes sewed up a bit.  I know a hospital that’s really good at that, all it takes is one shot!  They don’t even put you to sleep, all you have to do is lay down.”

MC Kim Gura then mentioned that SS501’s Kim Hyung Joon and Kwanghee had similar looking noses.  With bright smiles, the two hilariously high-fived each other, leading Kim Gura to ask, “Did you get them done at the same hospital?”

Kwanghee answered, “No, it was coincidence that we had surgery at the same hospital.  I always heard that I resembled Kim Hyung Joon senior so he was my inspiration when I went in for plastic surgery.”

Source: Today Korea, My Star News

Cr: allkpop

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